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Saturday, October 30, 2010

We have had another week of some hard struggles and would love prayer from all who follow this blog. Earlier this week we got a call from Ammy's Dad. Her Grandpa had a stroke and was taken to the hospital. Upon doing an MRI they have found a brain tumor and operated on it on Tuesday. The Biopsy showed that it was between stage 3 and stage 4, and i am not sure what kind of tumor it was. Ammy is very close with this Grandpa and spends a night with him and his wife about every other weekend. I have told her that he has this tumor but not the severity of the situation. Please pray for both Ammy and her grandpa as well as the whole family. They have had lots of tragedy in thier life lately and are not christians. I pray that God will bring them into a relationship with him and that they will find comfort.

Please also pray for Ammy she is on the part of the cycle that hits her hard with a pretty nasty chemotherapy medicine. She started to loose a little hair last week and this high dosage of this particular medicine could make it come out even more as well as give a big hit to her immune system.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Sunday I was given one of the greatest honors i think i have ever had. I got to baptize my little girl. I am so proud of the young women that she is becoming, and excited to know that at age seven she has a profound faith that surpasses even my own at times! Ammy was asked if ther were any verses that she wanted to share and these are the ones that she chose.

Romans 8:28-and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Joshua 1:9 -Have i not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

I love that these verses speak so much about where she has been in her life and how she is so brave. I have used these verses to try and help her see through what she is facing in the moment. i am so glad that she has placed these nuggets of truth in her heart. i know that they will follow her throughtout life.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another week has come and gone and I am just now getting a moment to myself!! This has been quite a week. Steve will have put in 60 hours by the time he gets off in the wee hours of the morning. This means that we have not seen much of him! I wonder what i ever did without him here!! Ammy is continuing to do well on her chemo treatments and not really experiencing many side effects. We are all very excited that tomorrow she will be able to play on the playground and join in on recess activities. She has had to sit out of this all year long so she is very excited to participate. I was able to get myself over to David's Bridal this week and finally buy my dress!! That was super exciting. i have the dress down, the shoes, the veil, and am now working on the many decorations and getting my man down to the tux shop to get fitted! It will be only two months away tomorrow... yikes.. my cue to get busy!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We started this week with a fun family trip to the salon. I told Ammy when we found out that she had to get chemotherpy that she could get a pink streak in her hair. That was when i assumed that she would definately be losing her hair when her treatments started. That may or may not happen but I needed to stand by my word. The following picture is taken from my sisters blog. I am not entirely sure who took it but as you can see the gangs all here!! I am always pleasently surprised with how willing my family is to support me and Amethyst. Next on our Agenda was princess day. Ammy and I started this tradition a couple years back. Ammy's half birthday was on Monday and in celebration we got pedicures.
This was followed on Tuesday by the beginning of Ammy's Chemotherapy. We had a few bumps with Ammy feeling sick on Thursday and experiencing some pain in her jaw. It has been a bit hard on us all emotionally, but Ammy is such a tough girl!
Another great challenge this week... I started my senior year this week. I am taking 16 credits, and hoping that I am able to hang on long enough to finish this year with a decent gpa.