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Friday, November 25, 2011


In this season of thanksgiving I have spent some time thinking about what i am most thankful for. There are many things that I can say, I have been so blessed by friends and family. I see so many people going through hard times, losing every thing they have. We struggle at times but we have what we need. As I was cleaning up the other day I was reminded again of what I am most thankful for!

The picture on the left is a picture of my tattoo. It is an ancient Egyption sign that stands for hope. It is a hieroglyph of a prisoner struggling for freedom. It is a daily reminder to me that no matter what is going on here on earth. Whether it is sickness disease finances or any of the other things that get us down, I know that there is something better waiting for me in heaven. This is such a basic simple lesson you would think I would have it down by now.

Of all the lessons I have learned over the last 3 years of our journey through having a child with cancer this I think is the greatest. It is a struggle to know that your child will most likely have a shorter life than you had thought. To know that all of the hopes and dreams that you had for them will most likely go unrealized. It is important that I remember that God has a greater purpose for her than I could have imagined and that I cannot put my hope in those things, I have to put them in him and know that he has something far greater than anything this world could ever provide.