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Monday, May 6, 2013

It really seems that I am not the blogging type but I am determined to make this a fun blog that my friends and family can use to keep up with me!! Maybe to start I need a little update on everyone!

I have been working at Head Start for the last year. I absolutely love my job. It is very hard and really works all the education I have had, but the challenge is worth it to me. I have a class of 17 little 3 year olds who are growing and learning so much. What I love so much is that my job serves a population that is considered at risk. I know that by spending the year with us my kids will have a 90% better chance of finishing high school and going on to lead successful lives. Talk about making a difference! I have also been spending lots of time riding my bike as I am training for a fundraising ride this September. You will definately be hearing a lot about that on here!

Steven is working hard at trying to switch careers from a truck driver to construction type work. It has been a huge challenge to try and find a job in an industry that he has no experience. I love that he is the kind of guy who takes a job anywhere to provide for his family but it is prooving to be very difficult to find a job he loves while working one he has to. He is also training to go on the ride with me in september.

Ammy is doing great. We just spent the year not in chemo and without any surgeries. This was super big for us and we loved it. It has been great watching ammy grow and just be a kid. She is really involved with her dance. She is getting to the age where we may have to walk away from it, but after having such a struggle to be able to do it again it is hard to say no!! She enjoyed dancing in a children's performance of the nutcracker this winter and is now prepareing for a ballet version of the wizard of oz. Amethyst is also involved in Girl scouts and is wanting to join 4-h. Being in small town she is one of her few friends who does not do 4h! Ammy has officially graduated from 3 month mri's to 5 months. Usually it goes to 6 but her doctor and I are afraid of 6 months since every time we have made it to 6 the tumor grows and she has had to go in for early testing! Hopefully this time is different.

Thank you all for sticking by and reading this block even though I am not good at keeping it up to date!! One day I will reach my goal of blogging each week.


  1. You are back! Yeah!!!
    Happy to hear you are all doing well. How about posting a new family photo? :)
    It is great to hear that you are finally able to do a job you love and can see the rewards of your hard work! Keep it up...you are making a difference!
    God Bless you and your family with "normal"!!!!


  2. Thanks for the update! So glad everything is going well. I will keep my ears open for any jobs up in this area :)

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