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Sunday, October 25, 2009

1 year anniversary

One year ago I learned some new things and reminded of even more...
just how precious life is, how your world can change within a moment, Just how an aunt and mom explains cancer to a child, how heart breaking the words we will just have to wait and see can feel, just how a pat on the back or a smile from a stranger can give you just a moment of hope, how awesome the family of God is, how friends and family can carry you when you feel like you are falling, how to celebrate the little things, how the human body is a million miracles happening each moment, God hears the prayers I can't even speak out loud, that courage and bravery are found so strong in the young, the ins and outs of a children's hospital, compassion!, never give up hope, you don't have to say the right thing sometimes the right thing is to just say nothing at all and give a hug, no matter your age your heart can feel broken too, the power of a friend, so many other things but the biggest one is My Hope is in Christ Jesus!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

corn maze

Ammy had no school on Friday so she spend the day with me (aunt Michelle) and her cousins. While at the corn Maze she asked if I would take her picture. I swear that is all she ever ask me to do. She loves to model and why not she is a natural at it! We had so much fun together that day. So as promised Ammy her are the a few of the pictures I took. I love you!