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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

World Cancer Day

Today is world cancer day odd that later today we will find out just what the plan is for Amm'y cancer...
Here is some info about today and how it started. I got the information from the candlelighters web site they are an amazing organization that helps family effect by childhood cancers. To find out more about them you can go to there site at http://www.candlelighters.org/

"On 4 February 2000, the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium adopted the Charter of Paris, calling for "an invincible alliance" between researchers, health-care professionals, patients, governments, industry and the media to fight cancer, and urging that each year, 4 February should be observed as World Cancer Day.

Seven years on, the need, if anything, is even greater.

Cancer claims twice as many lives as AIDS worldwide. At least 7 million people die of cancer each year and close to 11 million new cases are diagnosed.

In fact, more than 12% of all deaths every year are caused by cancer. That's more than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria put together.

In 2020, if current trends continue, 16 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed and more than 10 million people will die of the disease.

But together and united, we can work to reverse these rising trends"

The reason I posted this was to ask you all to today take a moment to think of those around you who have been effected by cancer and say a prayer for peace for them and their families, may they find hope in the promises of Jesus, and wisdom for the medical professionals as the search for a cure.

For more information on world cancer day you can visit the official web site at

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