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Sunday, May 22, 2011

sea horses

We have had a fun week as we help Ammy prepare for her first school report. Her subject was star fish. Aside from the never ending battle between Mom insisting that they are really called sea stars because scientifically they are not fish, and Ammy insisting that her teacher calls them starfish so that is what they must be, things went really well. Ammy enjoyed using the internet to collect some basic information at home and has been reading about it like crazy at school. The final project, the diarama shown below shows both her creativity and my extreme self control as I tried very hard to let her do all of the work with just a little bit of guidance. It was very hard to let her have ownership and not fix it when she went to bed! You cannot see the bottom of the box but she covered it with Brown sugar to look like the ocean bottom. A little bit of using her resources, since mom kept forgetting to go to the store to pick up some sand.

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